Leading with Intent:
BoardSource Index of Nonprofit Board Practices
Who serves on today’s nonprofit boards? What matters most when it comes to the board’s roles and responsibilities? What impact are they having on organizational performance? How do boards conduct their work? How well are they fulfilling their many important roles and responsibilities? How are boards composed and organized?
Leading with Intent: BoardSource Index of Nonprofit Board Practices answers these questions as the latest in BoardSource’s series of studies tracking and analyzing trends in nonprofit board leadership since 1994.
The Board Support Program is BoardSource’s core board development program. It provides year-round, on-demand access to educational resources, support from BoardSource experts, and a comprehensive board self-assessment. It’s an essential resource for every board committed to effective leadership and governance.
Discover how the Board Support Program can help strengthen your organization.
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Invest in your board’s leadership.
Board leadership matters.
With expertise cultivated over more than three decades, BoardSource strengthens nonprofit leadership through research, thought leadership, and practical supports that help transform board structures, dynamics, and perspectives.
Assessing board performance is key to becoming a stronger board and building a constructive board–chief executive partnership.
BoardSource-affiliated consultants work with individual boards to strengthen board knowledge, practices, and culture.
Our educational programs and events provide board members, chief executives, and consultants with information they need to succeed.