BoardSource’s program for federated networks provides your entire network of nonprofit organizations with expertise and guidance to answer their governance questions, making it simple for the headquarter staff to increase governance capacity across the full network.
For one annual membership fee, purchased through the headquarter organization, your entire network will have access to BoardSource’s support and resources. This means each and every board and staff leader will have free and unlimited access to consistent and reliable information to guide their board leadership and governance practices, be it board roles and responsibilities, effective meeting practices, or how to deal with a challenging board issue.
When they have questions or need governance support, they can turn to BoardSource. Our member resources ensure that your leaders won’t have to overburden national staff or reinvent the wheel when they need board governance information and resources.
Training Opportunities & Community Conversations
Expert Email Assistance for Challenging Questions or Issues that Arise Quickly
Toolkits, Templates, and Guides You Can Download and Implement Right Away
A Platform to Connect with Your Nonprofit Peers from Other Organizations
The membership program for federated networks allows us to extend resources, training, and templates to all of our chapter boards and staff without having to create our own board tools.
ROI for us is very high.
BoardSource membership program for federated networks member
Benefits for Leaders Across Your Federated Network
- Hundreds of topic papers: BoardSource has a collection of hundreds of topic papers and articles on a wide range of nonprofit governance and board leadership topics. They are short and easily digestible in format, making them perfect for quick reference. They are accessible online and organized by topic.
- The BoardSource Exchange: The BoardSource Exchange is a collaborative tool that enables you to connect, engage, and share governance information with all BoardSource members – volunteers and professionals like you who are committed to effecting board leadership and making a difference in their communities.
- Ask-an-Expert email service: Facing a challenge within your nonprofit board? BoardSource’s governance experts provide direct support. Send your question or dilemma to us through the Ask-an-Expert email service, and they will get back to you with advice and/or resources as quickly as possible.
- Downloadable templates, tools, and infographics: We provide our community members with practical tools they can download and use right away, infographics that serve as thought pieces, and other valuable easy-to-access resources.
- Additional discounts: Discounts on BoardSource trainings; assessments; publications; and more!
The following organizations are among those that have partnered with BoardSource to strengthen board leadership within their networks.
Provide your network’s board and leaders with the support they need to understand and fulfill their important roles.
Annual Membership Fees for Federated Networks
Membership is purchased by the headquarter organization and is based on the number of affiliates or chapters within your network.
20 or Fewer
Affiliates or Chapters
Affiliates or Chapters
More than 100
Affiliates or Chapters
Sign-up for the Membership Program for Federated Networks
If you have questions about BoardSource’s federated membership program, please contact [email protected].
It is our hope that BoardSource’s leadership program for networks is affordable and accessible to the vast majority of nonprofits. If your organization is unable to invest in a leadership program that supports your entire network at this time, you may want to consider our individual membership program for nonprofit leaders or our Board Support Program for your individual chapters or affiliates.