When preparing the agenda, do not just look at the agenda from the previous meeting and change the date at the top of the page. Be thoughtful in crafting a strategic agenda.
Use the same format throughout the year, making sure that it clearly states how the meeting will proceed and points to how a board member should prepare. Many boards use simple tables to organize their agendas or a consent agenda. Remember to start with the most strategic and important discussions first and end with the fiduciary oversight.
- Item: Identifies the key topic for each part of the discussion. Make sure to number each agenda item and use the same numbering when labeling the background materials so board members may easily link their preparation to the agenda items.
- Lead: Identifies who will lead this part of the conversation. It is important that the board chair confirm this member’s participation before sending out the agenda.
- Action: Describes what action the board needs to take regarding this item. Options could include “Vote,” “Discussion,” or “For Your Information (FYI).”
- Relevant Background Materials: Highlight key documents that board members should review prior to the board meeting in order to participate fully. Make sure to number each document according to its relevant agenda item and include it in the board packet.
- Time: Note the amount of time the board will spend on each item. Be thoughtful about time allocation so the agenda is accurate and can be successfully completed within the given amount of time.