Investing in Your Grantees’ Board Leadership

Building strong leadership at the board level is critically important to the success and sustainability of your grantees.

Without strong board leadership and governance, they are vulnerable to a wide range of challenges and dysfunctions, which can significantly impact their ability to achieve the short- and long-term goals that you share.
As a grantmaker, you can make a real difference by starting a dialogue with your grantees about their board leadership strengths and challenges, and providing focused support to help them build and strengthen their performance.

What BoardSource can do to help:

We partner with grantmakers to design and implement board development programs that meet grantee organizations where they are and help them access support to strengthen board performance:

  • Providing fundamental board development support. Through our Board Support Program for individual nonprofits, BoardSource provides foundations with a core set of board development resources – board self-assessment, year-round educational webinars and resources, and on-demand email technical assistance – as a part of an affordable annual program. Foundation members of the Partnership for Effective Board Leadership may access this program for their grantees for $1,000 per organization.
  • Board education resources: We work with grantmakers to offer BoardSource’s wide range of educational offerings to grantees in an affordable and scalable way.