GuideStar Demographic Information
Who’s at the helm of your organization? Is your leadership becoming more diverse? Share your demographics with your constituents.
Based on BoardSource’s research, we know that nonprofit boards have work to do when it comes to demographic diversity. We also know that, despite expressing dissatisfaction with current levels of board diversity, the majority of board chairs and chief executives did not report demographic diversity as a high priority in board recruitment.
Strategic board composition does not happen on its own. Boards must define what their ideal board composition looks like and then be vigilant about finding it through focused and disciplined board recruitment.
Is your board making progress on this front?
GuideStar offers nonprofits the opportunity to share information on the demographics of who works in and leads their organization on their GuideStar profiles. All you have to do to share your information is complete a short questionnaire created by GuideStar by Candid and D5 — a five-year initiative to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion in philanthropy.
We encourage you to complete the organizational demographics section of your organization’s GuideStar Profile, as it can provide valuable insight for the sector on the progress we’re making to diversify our leadership.