Stephanie Cory

Stephany Cory, Consultator

Affiliated with Boardsource since 2017

About Stephanie

Stephanie Cory has dedicated her career to the nonprofit sector since 2003 in professional roles as varied as program manager, development director, executive director, and consultant. She has worked with organizations of all sizes—from grassroots with no paid staff to multi-campus health care providers with upward of $60 million in annual revenue. Stephanie is an adjunct faculty member for Villanova University’s College of Professional Studies.

In addition to her staff experience, Stephanie has more than 30 years cumulative experience as a board member—including twice as treasurer and twice as president—for organizations ranging from grassroots with no staff to a multi-million dollar international association. Stephanie blends real-world know-how with model practices to help nonprofit boards lead their organizations. She provides training, retreat facilitation, and consulting services to help boards strengthen their governance.

Stephanie authored a chapter on boards and fundraising for the second edition of The Handbook of Board Governance, which was published by John Wiley & Sons in May 2020. She earned a BS in accounting and MS in gerontology from the University of Southern California and an MEd in adult and organizational development from Temple University.

Consultant Information

Email: [email protected]


Location: Wilmington, Delaware

Areas of Expertise: Board ethics, Board roles and responsibilities, CEO/Board chair coaching, CEO-Board partnership , Executive transition, Fundraising, Strategic planning and visioning, Succession planning

Areas of Engagement: Board self-assessment review and action planning, Board education retreat or seminar, Ongoing governance coaching and advising, Large-group training or conference session, Facilitation of important board conversations

Mission Areas: Advocacy organizations, Associations, Federated organizations, Founder-led organizations , Religiously-affiliated organizations, Small-budget organizations

Virtual Work Availability: Flexible, based on needs