Stacey Wedding

Professionals in Philanthropy

Affiliated with Boardsource since 2016

About Stacey

Fondly referred to as the fairy godmother of nonprofits, Stacey Wedding has spent her 25 years devoted to elevating charitable organizations from the inside out, seemingly by magic. She founded her company in 2006 to build the capacity of nonprofits to change our communities, countries, and world.

Her specialty is moving boards from surviving to thriving through CEO/Board partnerships and sound governance and support. Additionally, she provides expertise in organizational development, strategic thinking and planning, and executive coaching.

Stacey began her career in Corporate Communications & Community Relations and then moved into an executive staff position at the Nevada Community Foundation, where she helped grow the organization from $10 million to $35 million.

Her journey into the magical and sometimes messy world of nonprofits began at the age of 5 when she helped her mom—an Executive Director at the time– fundraise for a cure for Type 1 diabetes, the disease Stacey was diagnosed with at 2. To say philanthropy is in Stacey’s blood is an understatement. Stacey and her team contribute 100 hours of volunteer time annually, and she donates 10% of her company’s annual gross revenues. Learn more about Stacey at or check out her podcast at

Consultant Information

Email: [email protected]


Location: Henderson, Nevada

Areas of Expertise: Board culture and dynamics, Board roles and responsibilities, CEO/Board chair coaching, CEO-Board partnership, Fundraising, Governance structures, Strategic board composition, Strategic planning and visioning, Succession planning

Areas of Engagement: Board self-assessment review and action planning, Board education retreat or seminar, Ongoing governance coaching and advising, Governance structure and design, Large-group training or conference session, Facilitation of important board conversations

Mission Areas: Community foundations, Corporate volunteerism programs, Family foundations, Founder-led organizations, Private foundations, Small-budget organizations

Virtual Work Availability: Flexible, based on needs