Consultant Directory → Profile
Judy Freiwirth
Nonprofit Solutions Associates
Affiliated with Boardsource since 2008
About Judy
For over thirty years, Dr. Judy Freiwirth, Principal of Nonprofit Solutions Associates, has been consulting to and training for over 300 international, national, regional, and community-based nonprofits and coalitions, primarily with social change organizations. Nationally-known, she is considered one of the leading trainers and consultants in the area of governance and has been a keynote speaker and trainer at international, national, and regional conferences. She uses a racial equity lens in her consulting with boards and governance and also assists boards with new approaches of governance which center racial equity, democracy, and inclusion. She is the primary developer and researcher for an innovative governance approach, Community-Engagement Governance™, a framework in which community stakeholders are engaged in shared governance decision-making.
She has published numerous articles for The Nonprofit Quarterly and a contributing author for two published books, Nonprofit Governance: Innovative Perspectives and Approaches; and You and Your Board: New Practices for Challenging Times from Researchers, Provocateurs, and Practioners. She serves as the Chair-Elect of the Governance Section of the Association of Research for Nonprofit and Voluntary Organizations She also on the Editorial Boards of the Journal of Nonprofit Education and Leadership. She holds a doctorate in psychology, specializing in organization development.
Consultant Information
Email: [email protected]
Location: Massachusetts
Areas of Expertise: Advocacy and public policy, Board culture and dynamics, Board ethics, Board roles and responsibilities, CEO/Board chair coaching, CEO-Board partnership, Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity, Executive transition, Executive assessment and oversight, Fundraising, Founder transitions, Governance structures, Strategic board composition, Strategic planning and visioning, Succession planning, Sustained collaboration (mergers, partnerships, etc.)
Areas of Engagement: Board self-assessment review and action planning, Board education retreat or seminar, Ongoing governance coaching and advising, Governance structure and design, Large-group training or conference session, Facilitation of important board conversations
Mission Areas: Advocacy organizations, Associations, Community foundations, Corporate volunteerism programs, Family foundations, Federated organizations, Founder-led organizations, International/Multi-National NGOs, Private foundations, Religiously-affiliated organizations, Small-budget organizations, Social justice organizations
Virtual Work Availability: Flexible, based on needs