Jim Schwarz

The Compass Group

Affiliated with Boardsource since 2009

About Jim

Jim Schwarz is president of Compass Development & Governance Group, Inc., a consulting firm serving for-profit and nonprofit organizations and has served as a Senior Governance Consultant for BoardSource.

Jim works with charities, associations and foundations to build high-performing boards through governance, group effectiveness, meeting dynamics, board development, and strategic thinking. He has worked with a variety of organizations including Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, Ford Foundation, International Code Council, Microsoft Philanthropies, Prudential, SCAN Health Plan and Golden Valley Electric Cooperative. Jim has been a regular speaker at the BoardSource Leadership Forum, the largest gathering of nonprofit governance practitioners.

Jim has been a board leader at several nonprofits. His board experience includes initiating and facilitating successful merger discussions to improve operating effectiveness, encouraging a change in board leadership when conflict threatened to destabilize the organization, and leading an organization through an executive director change. Jim has served in the roles of Chair, Vice-Chair and Governance Committee Chair.

Jim specializes in:

  • Governance reviews
  • Board assessments
  • Board Chair & CEO coaching
  • Keynote speeches
  • Board retreats and facilitation
  • Board development workshops

Consultant Information

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.thecompassgroup.com

Location: Jacksonville, Florida

Areas of Expertise: Board culture and dynamics, Board ethics, Board roles and responsibilities, CEO/Board chair coaching, CEO-Board partnership, Governance structures, Strategic board composition, succession planning

Areas of Engagement: Board self-assessment review and action planning, Board education retreat or seminar, Ongoing governance coaching and advising, Governance structure and design, Large-group training or conference session, Facilitation of important board conversations

Mission Areas: Advocacy organizations, Associations, Community foundations, Corporate volunteerism programs, Family foundations, International/Multi-National NGOs, Private foundations, Small-budget organizations, Social justice organizations

Virtual Work Availability: Flexible, based on needs