Cyrus White

SCG Nonprofits

Affiliated with Boardsource since 2016

About Cyrus

Consultant, speaker, and facilitator – on-site or online. Russ helps nonprofit boards and CEOs act with stronger skills and more confidence for effective governance.

Evidence-based consulting and training to optimize board performance.

BoardSource® Certified Governance Consultant
Standards for Excellence® licensed consultant
Nonprofit Lifecycles Capacity Consultant

Extensive experience as a nonprofit executive and as trustee of private operating and community foundations. Client portfolio includes nonprofit and foundation boards in healthcare, education, the arts, and faith-based organizations.

For more information, please visit or Cyrus N. White on LinkedIn

Consultant Information

Email: [email protected]


Location: Wildwood, Missouri

Areas of Expertise: Board roles and responsibilities, CEO/Board chair coaching, CEO-Board partnership , Executive assessment and oversight, Governance structures, Strategic planning and visioning

Areas of Engagement: Board self-assessment review and action planning, Board education retreat or seminar, Ongoing governance coaching and advising, Governance structure and design, Large-group training or conference session

Mission Areas: Associations, Community foundations, Federated organizations, Founder-led organizations , Private foundations, Religiously-affiliated organizations, Social justice organizations

Virtual Work Availability: Flexible, based on needs